Friday, February 28, 2014

Pulaski Boulevard Corridor Plan, Bellingham, Ma

This GIS project consisted of composing three maps for the Planning Board of Bellingham. The town is developing a plan that would revitalize the Pulaski Boulevard area of the town. Completing this project will help to assist the Town Planner with additional details need to answer questions regarding the process needed for the corridor plan. These maps are an illustration of the different types of parcels within the Pulaski Boulevard area and are broken down by types residential, types of business and conforming and non-conforming parcels, all details and scopes are based upon the parameter set by the Town of Bellingham.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Swimming Holes in the White Mountain

This map displays the location of swimming holes that I have visited while vacationing in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I collected the XY coordinates using Google Map and imported the data using Excel into ArcGIS Online.
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This is a map of the beaches I have visited. I complied this data by collecting each locations coordinates and searched using ArcGIS Online.
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